Barnstone Gallery Opening April 27th & 28th, 12pm – 5pm.

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Lecture Download: De-Mystifying the Art Of Myron Barnstone


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About Lecture Download: De-Mystifying the Art Of Myron Barnstone


After Myron’s death in 2016, Cat Barnstone-Szafran revealed a wealth of her father’s artwork which had remained in storage for nearly 50 years. Works that received critical acclaim in Paris in the 1960’s could now be viewed once again. Shocking and prescient when first seen in the Cold War era, these works have lost none of their power. Myron’s work remains strikingly fresh and relevant.

Roger Brinker was familiar with a few works that hung in Myron’s residence and with photo albums seen by select students in the early days at the Barnstone Studios. However, he was astonished by the trove of more than 500 of Myron’s artworks, representing 15 years of dedicated, full-time endeavor. He became involved in cataloging the works and developing a chronology.  Activities led to further revelations. In addition to curating a teaching exhibition of Myron’s work, Roger started to analyze and interpret the artworks in relation to the principles of the Barnstone Method. Comparisons to the master work slides from Myron’s lectures at the Barnstone Studios revealed correlations with modernists like Jacques Villon, Pablo Picasso, Willem de Kooning, and Rico Lebrun. Additional references cite Goya, Géricault, Rubens, and Michelangelo.

This lecture was enthusiastically praised by Studios alumni when first presented in person. For the disappointed art lovers that missed our live lectures we are presenting this opportunity to download and appreciate Roger Brinker's presentation 'De-Mystifying the Art of Myron Barnstone'.   


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